Lifelong Coachability

Lifelong learning refers to the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal or professional reasons. It’s about continuously enhancing your skills and knowledge, regardless of your occupation, age, or educational level. Examples include taking online courses, learning a new language, attending workshops, or even picking up a new hobby. Employers value lifelong learnersContinueContinue reading “Lifelong Coachability”

Better, not Bitter

One letter separates the words better and bitter. Such a minor difference in appearance, yet a dramatic difference in outcome. What enables one to become better, not bitter? In an article titled Are You Coachable? in The Deseret News, Timothy R. Clark says about the term coachability: As a term, coachability has not officially enteredContinueContinue reading “Better, not Bitter”

Endeared to Lead

What makes a person go all out for someone else? What is it about a person that endears him or her to others, so much so they are willing to follow him or her wherever they lead? There are two common characteristics these types of leaders possess: The Servant-Minded Brain Empathy – they have compassion forContinueContinue reading “Endeared to Lead”