If I’m Not Dead, You’re Not Done

If I’m not dead, you’re not doneGreater things are still to comeOh, I believeMy best days are up ahead of meThis is my testimony https://youtu.be/7NyH9mDYECk?si=tZmaFS3pvGJhjya5 “My Testimony” live from the album, Graves Into Gardens by Elevation Worship. The song, “My Testimony,” inspired me to write this morning. It’s performed by Elevation Worship, a music ministryContinueContinue reading “If I’m Not Dead, You’re Not Done”

Today is the Only Day We Have

The essence of life is to love, and the essence of love is to serve. Love is an action that fuels our joyful living and healthy relationships with others. If we get relationships wrong, nothing else matters. Here are some relational best practices, no matter your race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexualContinueContinue reading “Today is the Only Day We Have”


Not all conflict is good. However, when handled properly, conflict is constructive and healthy. In fact, the ability to build a cohesive team requires it. Without the free expression of opinion, one is unable to feel a sense of ownership and consequently be committed to the cause. The founders of the United States of AmericaContinueContinue reading “The USA’s DNA”

Endeared to Lead

What makes a person go all out for someone else? What is it about a person that endears him or her to others, so much so they are willing to follow him or her wherever they lead? There are two common characteristics these types of leaders possess: The Servant-Minded Brain Empathy – they have compassion forContinueContinue reading “Endeared to Lead”