Love in Action

It’s easy to know love when you feel it. Love as an emotion conjures affection, pleasure, enjoyment, or happiness. It’s what most people think of when they hear the word and its usually inward-focused direction. While true, it’s also important to understand the origin and definition of love which is outward-focused. Matilda and Dozer (herContinueContinue reading “Love in Action”

Your Mark on the World

Our most innate need is to feel significant, to find purpose and meaning in our human existence. We want something to survive us. While many attempt to find significance by gratifying their own ambitions, I argue that significance is not possible unless what we do contributes to the welfare of others. There’s a test forContinueContinue reading “Your Mark on the World”

Today is the Only Day We Have

The essence of life is to love, and the essence of love is to serve. Love is an action that fuels our joyful living and healthy relationships with others. If we get relationships wrong, nothing else matters. Here are some relational best practices, no matter your race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexualContinueContinue reading “Today is the Only Day We Have”